Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Scoliosis Screening!!!

April 7, 2015

Dear Parent or Guardian:

            The Memorial Middle School will be doing an annual Postural Screening during the week of April 13, 2015.  The Massachusetts General Law c.71, s.57 requires all public school systems in the Commonwealth to provide postural screening to all students in grades 5 through 9.  If a parent or guardian refuses to have a postural screening by the school, written documentation provided by the physician must be submitted to the school nurse (i.e. a recent physical).

            The purpose of this screening is to find early signs of possible spinal problems in children in Grades 5 through 9.  It is not a diagnostic service but a program to identify young people who should have further medical evaluation.

            If your child has any unusual findings, you will be notified and asked to take the child to a physician as a precaution.  The majority of students exhibit no findings.  If nothing unusual is found, we will not be contacting you again until the screening next year.

            Female children are asked to bring a two-piece swimsuit or halter-top and shorts to school the day of the screening.  This type of clothing permits more accurate observation of the back. The screenings will be conducted beginning the week of April 13th, during physical education/ wellness classes.

            If you have any questions, please contact me at 925-2040, Ext. 1106.


                                                                        Sharon M. Striglio, R.N.

                                                                        School Nurse