Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 27 - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Presentation

Children, Adolescence, and Mental Health: The Basics
When: Tuesday, March 27th 2018, 7:00 P.M.
Where: Memorial Middle School 7th Grade Group Room

Presented by: Sarah Smigliani, Nurse Practitioner Nancy Salerno, LICSW, Clinical Director

Please join us for an information session on the topic of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Basics. This 1 hour session will provide an overview of the main categories of mental health disorders, highlight the most common pediatric diagnoses seen in the outpatient population, and outline the various options for treatment including, but not limited to psychotherapy and/or pharmacotherapy.

The goal of this first session is to impart a basic understanding of the foundation of pediatric mental health management, so that parents and school staff can feel more confident to proactively manage mental health concerns at home or school, seek out the appropriate level of professional care, and make informed choices with regard to mental health treatment.

It is our hope that this initial meeting might translate into an ongoing series based on the concerns identified by Hull’s community of caregivers and educators. We encourage you to bring your questions and concerns. Your feedback will help guide the development of future mental health education programming. As community-based outpatient providers who are invested in the psychosocial, emotional, and physical growth of the youth we serve, we applaud your willingness to seek out resources that have the potential to help you better understand and respond to the needs of the children you love and care for. We look forward to seeing you and initiating this important dialogue.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Postural Screening

Memorial Middle School

Sharon M. Striglio

School Nurse

81 Central Ave., Hull, Massachusetts 02045
(781) 925-2040 ext. 1106        Fax (781) 925– 8002

March 19, 2018

Dear Parent or Guardian:

            The Memorial Middle School will be doing an annual Postural Screening during the next several weeks.  The Massachusetts General Law c.71, s.57 requires all public school systems in the Commonwealth to provide postural screening to all students in grades 5 through 9.  If a parent or guardian refuses to have a postural screening by the school, written documentation provided by the physician must be submitted to the school nurse (i.e. a recent physical).

            The purpose of this screening is to find early signs of possible spinal problems in children in Grades 5 through 9.  It is not a diagnostic service but a program to identify young people who should have further medical evaluation.

            If your child has any unusual findings, you will be notified and asked to take the child to a physician as a precaution.  The majority of students exhibit no findings.  If nothing unusual is found, we will not be contacting you again until the screening next year.

            Female children are asked to bring a two-piece swimsuit or halter-top/sports bra and shorts to school the day of the screening.  This type of clothing permits more accurate observation of the back. The screenings will be conducted over the next several weeks, during physical education/ wellness classes.

            If you have any questions, please contact me at 925-2040, Ext. 1106.

                                                                    Sharon M Striglio R.N.
                                                                           Sharon M. Striglio R.N.
                                                                     Memorial Middle School Nurse

Beach Grass Planting

Event: Beach Grass Planting
Dates: 03/24/2018
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Location: A Street Beach

Volunteers are needed for our annual beach grass planting day. We will be planting 18,000 plants. Grass, tools, and instruction will be provided. Please RSVP to Paul Epstein so we know who is coming.

Why plant beach grass?

Beach grass traps the sand, which helps to maintain and strengthen a healthy dune system. Dunes are designed to be sacrificial, so that they may be destroyed during coastal storms instead of our homes. Most of the time grass planting is done to restore areas of the dune that have been washed away during storm events.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Grade 8 Fundraiser - Indoor Yard/Bake Sale!

*Sunday, March 11th, 10 A.M. to 2 P.M.
*Memorial Middle School Cafeteria
*All funds to $upport the class of 2022
*Items may be donated to sell
*For more information, contact:
Shannon Resnick (
Paula Kingston (
Linda Alexander (