Tuesday, May 15, 2018

My School Bucks - End of Year

The end of the school year is fast approaching! Please review your student's meal balance; no student should have a negative meals balance. You can easily keep your student’s meals account balance current by setting up on-line alerts so that you will receive an email  or text message when you student's account goes negative. You do not need to pay on-line to receive the alertsWhen you receive the notification, send in cash or a check (payable to Hull Public Schools) with your student and they can pay the cashier in the cafeteria. It’s that easy! 

Just go to www.myschoolbucks.com to create your account. You can find your student's ID in ASPEN on the Family Page. Click “Details”, and the number listed under “Local ID” is the student number. Follow the prompts and be sure to add each student individually. Choose to receive notifications by text message and/or email. If you choose to pay on-line, there are two options – set up auto pay for a specific amount or pay on-line when you receive the alert. The student will always have money available on their account. Please keep in mind that all student balances carryover to the next school year.

Class of 2018 - SENIORS!!!
All outstanding balances (including meals balances, athletic fees, AP fees, lost books, ipads, field trip fees, etc.) must be paid in full by Thursday May 17, 2018 or you cannot participate in end of year activities. 
If you have additional questions you may contact Patty Gardiner at HPS Administration, 781-925-4400  X1112.