Thursday, March 17, 2016

The official results of the Penny Wars are in:  Ms. Gearty's class came in last place with -5,035.  Mr. Vangel's class came in second to last place with -3,470.  In third place was Ms. Reardon's class with +169.  In second place was Ms. Lombardi's class with +2,270. And the first place winner for the Memorial Middle School 2016 Penny Wars was...Ms. McCormack's class at +4,598! Congratulations!  There will be a Dodgeball game on Friday between Ms. McCormack's class and Ms. Lombardi's class.  The total amount of pennies came to $1,031.48 and will be donated to charity.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Hull Youth Lacrosse Registration!

This is your final chance to register for lacrosse. If we do not have enough players registered by 8:00 pm Friday March 11th there will not be a Hull Youth Lacrosse program this year.

Please register online at

Thank you
Chris Weber
Hull Youth Lacrosse

Fee for the 2016 Spring Season is $125.00/player, which shall include each player receiving a pini and shorts that the players keep at the end of the season.
U11 Team =  2nd, 3rd & 4th grade /U13 Team = 5th & 6th grade/U15 Team = 7th & 8th grade
The Spring Lacrosse Season shall begin in the middle of March and run through the middle of June.
Practices are 2 nights a week with games on Sundays.

Please make sure that the player you are registering either becomes a member (if the player has never registered with US Lacrosse before) or the player renews their membership go to  This is a fee of $25.00/year which is to be paid directly to US Lacrosse League.
No player will be allowed on the field without a current US Lacrosse League membership prior to the first game.
Payment can be mailed to HYLAX, PO Box 26, Hull, MA 02045.
Any questions or concerns, please feel free to email Chris Weber, President of HYLAX League at
Scholarships are available and handled on an individual basis.
We are looking forward to a fun 2016 Spring Season. 

Thank you,
HYLAX League

Notice: The program/event listed in this material is organized and provided by independent private organizations and instructors not employed or sponsored by or affiliated with the Town of Hull or its School Department.  The program information is provided here only for the public’s convenience and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement.  The Town and its School Department have no responsibility or liability for said program or event.  All inquiries should be directed to the sponsoring organization.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Penny Wars!!!

The National Junior Honor Society will be hosting a Penny Wars between all 1st period classes starting Monday, March 7th and ending Friday, March 11th.

The winning classroom will be able to pick from a selected group of charities where the money will be donated.


The classroom with the most points at the end of the fundraiser wins

- Pennies count as one positive point each, but silver coins and paper money (including checks) count AGAINST the classroom.

This is where the competition begins. Students can “bomb” their competitors’ jar by placing silver coins and paper money into it. For example, if a homeroom looks like they have a lot of pennies, a student can “bomb” (sabotage) that jar by putting a quarter into the jar and that classroom’s points will decrease by 25, a dollar will reduce their points by 100, etc.

At the end of each day, count the pennies separately from the silver coins and bills. Subtract the total amount in silver and bills from the total amount of pennies. The difference is the actual points earned by that classroom.

Publicly announce the points each homeroom earned so students can plan what classrooms they may want to “bomb” the next day. Remind students that pennies are positive points and they need to continue bringing them in to add to their own jars. After a couple of days most of the homerooms will have negative numbers.

Teachers are encouraged to participate. Many have been known to empty their piggy banks to help their classrooms out. Others have told their students that they’ll match portions of their contributions. Students begin looking down and picking up pennies they find on the ground; it’s amazing how many pennies are dropped and not picked up.

Hull Youth Lacrosse's 2016 Spring Season Registrations are now open!!

Hull Youth Lacrosse's 2016 Spring Season Registrations are now open!!


Fee for the 2016 Spring Season is $125.00/player, which shall include each player receiving a pini and shorts that the players keep at the end of the season.
U11 Team =  2nd, 3rd & 4th grade
U13 Team = 5th & 6th grade
U15 Team = 7th & 8th grade
The Spring Lacrosse Season shall begin in the middle of March and run through the middle of June.
Practices are 2 nights a week with games on Sundays.

Please make sure that the player you are registering either becomes a member (if the player has never registered with US Lacrosse before) or the player renews their membership go to  This is a fee of $25.00/year which is to be paid directly to US Lacrosse League.
No player will be allowed on the field without a current US Lacrosse League membership prior to the first game.
Payment can be mailed to HYLAX, PO Box 26, Hull, MA 02045.
Any questions or concerns, please feel free to email Chris Weber, President of HYLAX League at
Scholarships are available and handled on an individual basis.
We are looking forward to a fun 2016 Spring Season.

Thank you,

HYLAX League

Notice: The program/event listed in this material is organized and provided by independent private organizations and instructors not employed or sponsored by or affiliated with the Town of Hull or its School Department.  The program information is provided here only for the public’s convenience and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement.  The Town and its School Department have no responsibility or liability for said program or event.  All inquiries should be directed to the sponsoring organization.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Scale Model Project in Ms. Kelliher's Grade 7 Accelerated Math Class!

As part of a unit on ratios and proportional relationships, students in Miss Kelliher’s 7th grade accelerated math class recently completed a scale model project. Students were asked to pick an object, building, place, etc. that they wanted to either build or draw a scale model of. They were able to put their knowledge of proportions to practical use when determining the what the dimensions of their models should be. The finished designs turned out great!

Kacee and Bianca display their project proudly!

Aedan poses with his scale model of the Washington Monument!

Maeve shows off her trumpet! 

Siobhan, Carly, Isabella and Kayla stand in front of their model of Fenway Park, with lights!

Nolan, Harry and Anthony display their completed model of a football field!

Melissa, Jenna and Hailey hold up their scale model of a small pencil!


GRADE 6 – HIGH HONORS:  Taylor Aronson, Petra Bechtold, Alexis Her, Elizabeth Luggelle, Ryan Parks.  HONORS:  Madelyn Brooks, Ava Brown, Richard Chau, Matthew Cooper, Ciara Deshiro, Stella Gianadda, Parry Harper, Ryan Healey, Troy Healey,  Annemarie Jacubowski-Smith, Sydney Lawson, Faye Lofgren, Haylee Londergan, Erica McGowan, Mitchell O’Keefe, Alexian Power, Lily Putnam Resnick, Gianna Quatromoni, Conner Sordillo, Jaden Stilphen, Duncan Stone, Kaleigh Stone, Larkin Tanner, Nina Tiani.

GRADE 7 – HIGH HONORS:  Jenna Canavan, Maeve Donohue, Carly Donovan, Bianca Foresta, Robert Hunter, Kacee McKinney, Timothy O’Hayre, Victoria Rosado, Melissa Rymaszewski.  HONORS:  Siobhan Burke, Kayla Chenette, Katie Clifford, Brenna Conneely, Skye Ervin, Emma Forcum, Alexandra Gampel, Hailey Grubbs, Isabella Hendrickson, Shawna Hernandez-LaRochelle, Anna Mahoney, John Meagher, Paige Murphy, Benjamin Olivieri, Harry Peters, Nolan Tiani, Maya Walsh, Jessica Whitcomb, Norah White.

GRADE 8 – HIGH HONORS:  Edward Baldwin, Samantha Collier, Shelby Craig, Hannah Duran, Alyssa Healey, Haven Veraguas, Rebecca Whelan.  HONORS:  Lauren Anastos, Olivia Ball, Caitlin Canavan, Arianna Cannata, Ashley Dwyer, Aryana Gagne, Eve Gamble, Caroline Hulverson, Madison McHenry, Isabella McLellan, Christina Murphy, Rebecca Rosenbaum, Olivia Rys, Sam Taverna, Patrick Turner, Graham Whelan.