Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Annual Theatre Arts Chocolate Heart Lollipop sale

Dear Families:

          On February 11, 12, 13 and 14  the Theatre students will be selling chocolate heart lollipops during their lunch periods that can be sent to their friends or teachers for $1 each. The lollipops will be delivered to students by the Theatre Kids on February 14th during Home Room.

          If you would like to send a lollipop to your child, please fill out the attached slip and return it with the money in an envelope. The envelopes should go to Mrs. Striglio, the School Nurse. This year, chocolate pops will be available for those that have a nut and/or dairy allergy. Please be sure to write it on your paper and tell Mrs. Striglio.

          The kids really enjoy getting a “treat” and it is a fun way to support the Theatre Program.

Thank you so much and Happy Valentine’s Day!

 The Drama Mamas and Papas



Home Room:____________________