Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My School Bucks Reminder!!

My School Bucks

REMINDER - All student meals balances must be paid in full by June 17th (all graduating seniors must be paid by May 31st).

Keep your student’s meals account balance current by setting up on-line alerts when their account reaches $10.00 or below.  You do not need to pay on-line to receive the alerts
It’s very easy – go to www.myschoolbucks.com to create your account.  Follow the prompts and be sure to add each student individually.  Choose to receive notifications by text message and/or email. 

If you do choose to pay on-line, there are a couple of options – set up auto pay for a specific amount or pay on-line when you receive the alert.  The student will always have money available on their account.  Note if you pre-pay 11 meals on-line, you will get the 12th one free.

If you would rather not pay on-line, that’s fine too.  When you receive the notification, send in cash or a check (payable to Hull Public Schools) with your student and they can pay the cashier in the cafeteria. It’s that easy!

Student’s who reach a negative balance of $10.00 or more will receive a notice from the school and an alternate lunch will be given until the balance is paid in full.

If you think that your family may be eligible for free or reduced priced meals, please fill out the meals application and send it into school with your student.  A copy of the application can be printed from the Hull Public Schools website or you can pick up a copy in any school office.  You will receive a letter from the school regarding the decision within a week of submission.  If you don’t receive this letter, do not assume you are approved; contact your student’s school.