Friday, April 17, 2015

Cookie Dough Sales Results and Award Winners!

This years Cookie Dough Sale was our most successful in recent history selling over $7,155 worth of product raising just over $3000 to support music at Memorial Middle School.  Over the last several years, cookie dough sales have allowed us to purchase a digital piano, drums, an amplifier, other instruments, pay for registration fees, and fund Music events. 

Today, we held our annual breakfast, sponsored by 5 South Main (their sister bakery, Baked!, produces our cookie dough), for all students that sold over $175 worth of product.  

Our Top Seller was Shelby Craig with $323 is sales. Shelby received a $25 iTunes gift card and a coupon for a dozen cupcakes from Baked!

The other top 10 sellers listed below earned a $25 iTunes gift card. 

Hannah Duran, $199
Lauren Anastos, $199
Madison Kelley, $200
Caitlin Canavan, $204
Emma Forcum, $230
Brenna Conneely, $238
Vicotria Rosado, $250
Emma Carney, $257
Timmy O'Hayre, $270

Thank you to all of our students, parents, and community members that sold or purchased Cookie Dough to support the music program at MMS!!