Wednesday, September 3, 2014

We're Back!!! Opening Information!!

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year!  The first day of school was a tremendous success!  Grade six students learned their way around the school and they learned how the bell schedule works.  Most have figured out their combinations and they are adjusting to the process of changing classes.  We had a few students appear a bit lost at times, but teachers and other students quickly pointed them in the right direction.  Grade 7 and 8 students were back to their routines as if they had never left renewing friendships and catching up with other students!!  Grade 7 and 8 students were also introduced to Spanish for the first time.  The question of the day was "when do we get our iPads?!?!"  (The answer is Friday!!). 

At the beginning of each school year, there are several forms that need to be returned.  These forms are the Emergency Card, the Handbook Signature page, the Mobile Computing Device Acceptable Use Signature Page, and the Free and Reduced Lunch and Breakfast Application.  Grade 7 and 8 parents/guardians and students must sign the Mobile Computing Device policy.  Students will not be issued an iPad until this form is signed.  Grade 6 parents/guardians and students have already signed this form at the Grade 6/iPad orientation.  Any grade 6 parent/guardian that has not attended or scheduled an appointment should call the office as soon as possible.  For your convenience, these forms are also posted here (except the emergency Card as it is printed on heavy paper):

Handbook Signature Page (Student and Parent)
Mobile Computing Policy and Signature Page (Student and Parent)
Free and Reduced Lunch and Breakfast Application

The handbook can be found on the website and is also posted here:

MMS Handbook 2014-2015

Please do not hesitate to call me or Mr. Kelley should you have any questions or concerns.  On behalf of the faculty and staff, we are thrilled to be back and we look forward to working with students and families during the upcoming school year. 


Anthony A. Hrivnak